
一、 基本情况

王雨薇,女,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,IEEE Member,中国电源学会会员,“国家电能变换与控制工程技术研究中心”成员,电力电子器件及应用研究团队骨干成员。主讲《太阳城娱乐》、《太阳城》等本科生专业核心课程,担任IEEE Electronic Device Letters、IEEE Electronic Device Letters 等国际期刊审稿专家及SCI期刊Micromachines 客座编辑。

二、 教育经历

2024.01~至今        湖南大学,电气与信息工程学院副教授

2020.11~2023.12  湖南大学,电气与信息工程学院助理教授

2018.10~2019.01  美国东北大学, 机械与工业工程系, 访问学者

2015.09~2020.07  北京大学,前沿交叉学科研究院,博士(直博)

2011.09~2015.07  南京大学,物理学院,学士



(1) 功率半导体器件:宽禁带功率半导体器件的关键技术、可靠性及其在电力电子系统中的应用。

(2) 新型电真空器件:器件结构设计与工艺优化、系统集成及其应用。

(3) 智能传感系统:先进微型传感器的开发、系统集成及其应用。




1.  国自然青年基金:基于热氧化Si/AlN叠层的SiC MOS界面态抑制方法研究,主持。

2.  企业项目:碳化硅MOSFET芯片特性测试分析及栅氧可靠度建模,主持。

3.  军科委项目:基于xxx功率晶体管,课题主持。

4.  军科委项目:xxx抗辐照器件技术,课题主持。

5.  企业项目:碳化硅栅氧测试与分析,主持。

6.  国自然联合基金:高性能高可靠性绝缘栅双极型晶体管的理论模型与设计方法研究,参与。

7.  工信息部项目:新能源汽车用碳化硅MOSFET芯片产业化项目参与。

8.  企业项目:芯片式电子源与X射线源的研究,参与。

9.  南网项目:基于MEMS的微型智能集成传感技术研究,参与。

10. 南网项目:高性能低功耗非制冷红外传感器及探测器研发,参与。



[1]. Y. W. Wang*, C. X. Liu, J. Qiu, Y.D. He, Z. W. Li, P. Liu, X. L. Wei, “Micro-Pirani Pressure Sensor with Operation Range beyond Atmospheric Pressure based on Aligned Carbon Nanotube Films”, IEEE Electronic Device Letters, 2024, early access.  (SCI)

[2]. H. N. Chen, K. H. Yu, J. Q. Ding, C. Z. Li, J. Wang, Y. W. Wang*, “Comprehensive Investigation of Gate Oxide Instability in 4H-SiC MOSFETs and MOS Capacitors Under High Gate Bias Stress”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2024, 71(3): 1662-1669.  (SCI)


[3]. Y. W. Wang, Y. D. He, S. Y. Mao, et al. “A Miniaturized Ionization Vacuum Sensor Based on Thermionic Electron Emission from Carbon Nanotubes”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2023, 70(6):2872-2875. (SCI)

[4]. K. H. Yu, Y. F. Liu, W. H. Zhang, H. N. Chen, C. Z. Li, J. Q. Ding, J. Wang, Y. W. Wang*, “Characterization of the Slow-State Traps in 4H–Sic P-Type MOS Capacitor by a Preconditioning Technique with High Positive Voltage Stress”, Micro and Nanostructures, 2023, 207506. (SCI)

[5]. L. Xiang, H. D. Ye, H. Wang, Y. W. Wang*, “Conformable Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Transistors on Ultrathin Flexible Substrates”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2023, 70(6): 3106-3111. (SCI)

[6]. W. H. Zhang, M. G. Zhu, K. H. Yu, C. Z. Li, J. Wang, L. Xiang, Y. W. Wang*, “Impact of low dose radiation on nitrided lateral MOSFET and the related mechanisms”, Chinese Physics B, 2023. (SCI)

[7]. Y. W. Wang*, S. Wang, H. D. Ye, W. H. Zhang, L. Xiang, “Negative Bias Temperature Instability in Top-Gated Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Transistors with Y2O3 Gate Dielectric”, IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 2023, 23(4): 571-576. (SCI)

[8]. F. Y. Zhan, T. Y. Zhu, Z. Yan, Z. Y. Hu, Z. W. Li, Y. W. Wang, X. L. Wei, “Tunable Electron Emission from Back-Gated SiOx Tunneling Diodes for Addressable Devices”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2023, 71(1): 822-826. (SCI)

[9]. K. H. Yu, Y. W. Wang*, J. Wang, “Characterization of SiC/SiO2 Interface State under Different NO Annealing”, Materials Science Forum, 2023, 1093: 95-99. (EI)

[10]. Y. W. Wang*, X. L. Wei. “A MEMS-Type Hot-cathode Ionization Gauge with Carbon Nanotube-based Electron Emitters”, 24th International Vacuum Electronics Conference, 26-28 April, 2023. (ISTP收录)


[11]. L. Xiang, Y. R. Wang, F. Xia, F. Liu, D. L. He, G. H. Long, X. W. Zeng, X. L. Liang, C. H. Jin, Y. W. Wang, A. L. Pan, L. M. Peng, Y. F. Hu, “An epidermal electronic system for physiological information acquisition, processing, and storage with an integrated flash memory array”, Science Advances, 2022, 8(33): eabp8075. (SCI)

[12]. Z. W. Li, Z. F. Zhang, G. T. Wu, J. M. Tian, Y. D. He, B. C. Yu, F. Y. Zhan, Y. W. Wang, et al. “Efficient and Dense Electron Emission from a SiO2 Tunneling Diode with Low Poisoning Sensitivity”, Nano Letters, 202222(3), 1270-1277. (SCI)

[13]. H. Z. Liu, J. Wang, S. W. Liang, H. Y. Yu, H., G. Q. Deng, Wang, Y. W. Wang, Z. J. Shen, “Modeling and Analysis of SiC GTO Thyristor’s Dynamic Turn-On Transient”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022, 69(11), 6241-6248. (SCI)


[14]. S. W. Liang, H. Y. Yu, H. Z. Liu, Y. W. Wang, J. Wang, “A Novel SiC Power MOSFET with Integrated Polysi/SiC Heterojunction Freewheeling Diode”, Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2021. (SCI)

[15]. H. Y. Yu, S. W. Liang, J. Wang, X. Jiang, B. Wang, Y. Yang, Y. W. Wang, Y. Q. Chen, “Understanding the degradation of 1.2-kV planar-gate SiC MOSFETs under repetitive over-load current stress”, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021, 10(5): 5070-5080.  (SCI)


[16]. Y. W. Wang, L. Xiang, W. Yang, et al. “High-Performance On-chip Thermionic Electron Emitter Arrays Based on Super Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 1907814. (SCI)

[17]. Y. W. Wang, W. C. Liu, L. Xiang, et al. “Wafer-Scale Fabricated On-Chip Thermionic Electron Source with an Integrated Extraction Gate”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2020, 67(11):5132–5137. (SCI)

[18]. W. Yang, Z. W. Li, Y. W. Wang, et al. “High-Performance On-chip Electron Source Based on Electroformed Silicon Oxide”, Advanced Electronic Materials, 2020, 2000268. (SCI)

[19]. W. Yang, F. Y. Zhan, S. Q. Kong, Z. W. Li, Y. W. Wang, et al. “Choice of Si Doping Type for Optimizing the Performances of a SiOx-Based Tunneling Electron Source fabricated on SiOx/Si substrate”, Nano Express, 2020, 3(1). (SCI)

[20]. F. Y. Zhan, Z. W. Li, Y. W. Wang, et al. “A New Electron Emission Mechanism for On-Chip Electron Sources Based on Island Metal Films”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2020, 67(11):5119 - 5124. (SCI)